Wednesday, April 27, 2011

She finds beauty in the rain

She finds beauty in the rain... and feels sorry for all who are inside today. She sees inspiration in the asphalt, catches beauty in the water droplets, and finds satisfaction in photographing every bit. She edits each photo on photoshop and posts the best ones on her blog for all to see...

I apologize for the long time between posts--it sounds like a petty excuse, but I have been extremely busy. I also apologize for two photography posts in a row, but I just could not wait any longer to share these pictures with you!

I encourage all who read this to find beauty in the rain, inspiration in what you usually overlook. Enjoy spring weather, and love life!


Friday, April 22, 2011


I love spring, and am so happy that the formerly leaf-less branches of so many trees have now been replaced with a multitude of beautiful flowers! And, I thought that today--as Earth Day, if you didn't know--was a good time to share my love of the Earth in spring with the following photos, which I took using mom's lovely Sony Cyber-Shot.

Photographed and edited by moi 

And, as an Earth Day message, I would like to remind everyone to go green--our carbon footprints are much larger than most of us think! Even actions as simple as using a reusable water bottle or recycling paper and plastic can make a difference. As these pictures show, our Earth is unique and beautiful--let's not destroy it!

UPDATE: So sorry that you couldn't see the pictures before! I'm pretty sure I fixed the problem. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Rhythm Nation

I realized this morning that so many songs are dedicated to some sort of reform--personal or on a bigger scale. Some have such motivating messages, some are uplifting and hopeful, some are just good songs. So here is a sampling of some of the best songs with great messages:


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Free People

I was so inspired last week when I received a catalog in the mail. It was, as is the title of this post, "Free People." It's a wonderful brand, as well as a wonderful slogan. "Free people" could be interpreted as a political message, but I think it also means something more personal. Like not letting social standards and others' opinions get in the way of being free, a free person. So here's some of my favorite Free People clothes and photography from their most recent catalog--they are so beautiful and also symbolic of being yourself and being free.

(I found these pictures on and feel like I should cite them. More beautiful photography and clothes found at if you're interested.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gray Denim Roses

Hello! I'm Morgan, a teenaged girl living in a small town in northeastern United States. I am so excited to start this blog (my first ever!), but first I would like to give a short explanation:
The title of my blog could be considered a tad weird and lacking in meaning (my brother: "What are gray denim roses? Why'd you name your blog that?"). But I think it perfectly suits this blog and my ideas for it. Denim is average and trendy, and gray denim is slightly less average, and just as trendy, but with an edge. Roses are beautiful, of course, as well as inspirational. Inspirational because of how many rose paintings, rose-inspired-fashion pieces, rose-inspired songs and other musical creations there have been. And, though they might not always seem it, roses are strong--strong for having so much symbolic meaning and different interpretations even though they are such tiny, delicate little things. Through its title, my blog is not-too-average and trendy with an edge, combined with beauty, inspiration, and strength that comes from many interpretations.
That's a lot to live up to, but I am still so excited to begin. I look forward to many creative posts about music, fashion, books, photography--and, really, the world.