Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gray Denim Roses

Hello! I'm Morgan, a teenaged girl living in a small town in northeastern United States. I am so excited to start this blog (my first ever!), but first I would like to give a short explanation:
The title of my blog could be considered a tad weird and lacking in meaning (my brother: "What are gray denim roses? Why'd you name your blog that?"). But I think it perfectly suits this blog and my ideas for it. Denim is average and trendy, and gray denim is slightly less average, and just as trendy, but with an edge. Roses are beautiful, of course, as well as inspirational. Inspirational because of how many rose paintings, rose-inspired-fashion pieces, rose-inspired songs and other musical creations there have been. And, though they might not always seem it, roses are strong--strong for having so much symbolic meaning and different interpretations even though they are such tiny, delicate little things. Through its title, my blog is not-too-average and trendy with an edge, combined with beauty, inspiration, and strength that comes from many interpretations.
That's a lot to live up to, but I am still so excited to begin. I look forward to many creative posts about music, fashion, books, photography--and, really, the world. 

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