Monday, May 30, 2011


I woke up at six thirty this morning to this enormous storm outside: the sky was a cloudy brown color, rain was flying everywhere, and trees were swaying back and forth almost to the point of snapping right in two. Now, typing by a window five hours later, the sky is a beautiful, cloud-spotted periwinkle, sunshine is abundant, and the air is still with only the faintest of humid breezes. The only evidence that the storm was not a dream are the windows, leaves, and flower petals that remain peppered with leftover droplets of rain. Excuse me while I grab my camera...

 None of these photos turned out especially well as they seem, from my standpoint, to be rather bland compared to some of my previous work. Still, I am proud of my editing, and hopefully you enjoy them.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Don't press the button...

Somehow, we need to press it. And then once we do, it is so addicting!

If you've never experienced the button before, it likes to mess with your mind by turning in to a penguin and stuff. Does it ever end?

And why do we so need to press it?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Darkness is such an overused, universal symbol of evil. If something is "dark," it is assumed to be bad, evil, sad, tragic, horrible, etc.. But, why?
Black clothing is classy and timeless.
Does that make sadness or evilness stylish?
Maybe darkness can go either way: evil or sophisticated.

...can it be both? 

To conclude, I have arrived at the conclusion that darkness, or blackness, is stale symbolism and is very uncertain as it can either mean classy and sophisticated or evil and sad. Here are of some shadowy or dark pictures. Are they depressing or stylish? Both? Neither? All of the above?

(All photographed and edited by me, except for the last one which was from V magazine's recent cover shoot with Lady GaGa)

Cool Words

On my iPhone, I have several creative (*sarcasm*) titles for my pages in the Notes app: 'a bunch of stuff,' 'cool quotes,' 'cool stuff,' and, most importantly, 'cool words.' Every time I get an interesting, unusual, or practical word from my daily " Word of the Day" email, I type it in to this lovely little note. I have accumulated quite the plethora of words that I have resolved to share with you, my faithful, if not few, readers. Even if you forget all of these the moment you read them (I do, too!), enjoy!

Cool Words

-Busticate: to break into pieces.
-Anglomania: an intense admiration of, interest in, or tendency to imitate English institutions, manners, customs, etc.
-Alliumphobia: fear of garlic.
-Loquacious: talkative.
-Diaphanous:translucent or transparent
-Frabjous: superb or delicious.
-Rigmarole: a complicated procedure.
-Verve: full of life.
-Efface: to make yourself inconspicuous.
-Lucifugous: avoiding light.
-Paradisiacal: heavenly, wonderful.
-Mussitate: to silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech. (lip sync)
-Fossick: to search for something. (ex: the pigeons fossick for crumbs.)
-Nympholepsy: a frenzy of emotion for something unattainable
-Roborant: strengthening.
-Linguine: little tongues
-Bumf: official notice; toilet paper; a book you don't want to read
-Retrograde: in reverse order
-Hopscotch: to journey quickly and directly
-Ineffable: indescribable
-Coruscate: sparkle
-Crepuscular: twilight; dim
-Parse: analyze
-Inchoate: just begun
-Kvetch: a complaint; to complain often
-Chicanery: a trick
-Nacreous: pearly
-De Rigueur: Strictly required, as by etiquette, usage, or fashion.
-Gest: a notable deed.
-Idioglossia: a private form of speech invented by children.
-Aoristic: indefinite
-Weal: happiness
-Enspirit: enliven
-Impetrate: to ask for
-Tristful: sorrowful
-Divagate: to wander or digress
-Estivate: to spend the summer
-Farouche: sullenly shy; fierce
-Philter: a magic potion for any purpose
-Prosopography: a description of a person
-Replevy: to recover something wrongfully taken
-Liminal: relating to the point beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced.
-Caliginous: misty; dim; dark
-Lagniappe: a gratuity or tip
-Chaffer: verb- haggle, chatter
             noun- haggling
-Engram: the supposed physical basis of a memory in the brain.
-Dithyrambic: wildly enthusiastic or irregular
-Hogmanay: a gift given on New Year's Eve
-Plenipotentiary: containing full power
-Descry: to catch sight of; to discern
-Exculpate: to relieve of blame; to prove to be guiltless
-Chatoyant: twinkling (as in luster)
-Sockdolager: a decisive reply, argument
-Autoschediastical: adj. improvised
-Mansuetude: mildness, gentleness
-Creolize: to combine local and foreign elements into a new, distinct whole.
-Klatsch: a casual gathering of people
-Concupiscible: worthy of being desired.
-Fain: content, willing
-Grangerize: to add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books.
-Lollop: to dangle
-Rakish: jaunty
-Cacoethes: an irresistible urge
-Elide: suppress; ignore
-Eclat: showy or elaborate display
-Effluvium: a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable (like a stench, for example)
-Doppelganger: an alter ego; double
-Daedal: intricate
-Risible: capable of laughing
-Ululate: to howl
-Lucubration: the act of studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation.
-Malinger: to feign or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.
-Inkhorn: pedantic
-Bailiwick: someone's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
-Nimbus: A cloud or atmosphere (as of romance or glamour) that surrounds a person or thing.
-Lexicography: the writing or compiling of dictionaries; the principles and practices used to compile dictionaries.
-Rubicund: red
-Wunderkind: a child protegy
-Gimcrack: a showy but useless or worthless object
-Confute: to prove or show to be false
-Fanfaronade: ostentatious display
-Prolix: unnecessarily long; wordy
-Apposite: very applicable
-Blandishment: allurement
-Largess: generous giving
-Prescience: foresight
-Fugacious: fleeting
-Eschew: to shun
-Verisimilitude: something that has the appearance of being true or real.
-Equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to avoid committing oneself to anything definite.
-Afflatus: inspiration
-Bivouac: an encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
-Gravitas: high seriousness
-Irascible: hot-tempered
-Canorous: pleasant-sounding
-Tenterhooks: On tenterhooks, in a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety.
-Balderdash: nonsense
-Oppugn: to dispute
-Praxis: habit or custom
-Vociferate: shout; bawl
-Corybantic: frenzied
-Peregrinate: to travel or journey, especially to walk on
-Marginalia: notes in the margin of a book, manuscript, or letter.
-Dandle: to pamper
-Effloresce: to blossom
-Perlieu: a piece of land on the edge of a forest, originally land that, after having been included in a royal forest, was restored to private ownership, though still subject, in some respects, to the operation of the forest laws.
-Bushwhack: to defeat, especially by surprise or in an underhanded way.
-Splenetic: irritable
-Premonish: to warn beforehand
-Irenic: Tending to promote peace; conciliatory
-Zeitgeist: [Often capitalized] The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
-Autodidact: one who is self-taught
-Fungible: interchangeable
-Foofaraw: fuss over a matter of little importance
-Physiognomy: the art of discovering temperament or other characteristic qualities of the mind from the outward appearance, especially by the features of the face.

-Longueur: A dull and tedious passage in a book, play, musical composition
-Prink: to primp

My favorite word is "bumf."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Born This Way

1. Marry the Night

2. Born This Way

3. Government Hooker

4. Judas

5. Americano

6. Hair

7. ScheiBe

8. Bloody Mary

9. Black Jesus + Amen Fashion

10. Bad Kids

11. Fashion Of His Love

12. Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)

13. Heavy Metal Lover

14. Electric Chapel

15. The Queen

16. You And I

17. The Edge Of Glory

If you are overwhelmed by the sheer number of songs, I recommend "Marry The Night," "ScheiBe," "Bloody Mary," "Black Jesus + Amen Fashion," "Electric Chapel," and "You and I" as the best not-released-as-a-single songs. 

As you can imagine, the release of this album was an amazing experience for me as an avid little monster (I was born this way). I still can't really comprehend that it is actually released!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What would you grow?

I encountered this while working on an English project and found it extremely fascinating:

It is so interesting to think that one thing that we have given up hope on ever being completely environmentally healthy, sustainable, biodegradable, and so on is actually not that far away from being created in such an earth-friendly way. Not only that, but the clothes talked about in the video are literally grown. Handmade clothes? Nope--I want hand-grown clothes :-)

 I also love the ending of the speech--what else would you grow?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ink Blots

I am including this because it is such a strong song. Few songs are this bold. 

(I made this video)

"The more positive and more beautiful way to approach your identity is to put on--in a metaphoric way--as many wigs, as many hats, as many dresses and jackets and shoes as you can until you ultimately find the one that best suits you. And then, honor that image of yourself. Project it every day of your life. Be, first and foremost, married to your own heart and your own soul."

--Lady GaGa

(That, I think, is an incredible way to look at life--on so many levels. And if you think of it literally, it is a fascinating and unique way to look at fashion: that every outfit you wear is an attempt at finding the perfect wig, hat, dress, jacket, etc. that most suits you ... very interesting.)

Friday, May 20, 2011


I had a lovely afternoon walking around in town with my friends today... Hannah, Xan, Catherine, Laura, Maia, Sarah, and Claire--I love you all so much.

Before I go: there's a store in town that all my friends call the "creepy knife store" and no one really seems to know what it's actually called. Anyway, this picture is so epic:

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ink Blots

"Equality can not be reached if it is fought for in a divisive way."

--Lady GaGa

So this is an incredible, not-yet-released-to-iTunes song that I could only find on this location: "Electric Chapel" by Lady GaGa. It's near the bottom of the article, a green play button. 

"Battle not with monsters
    lest you become a monster
         and if you gaze into the abyss
   the abyss gazes into you."

--Friedrich Nietzsche

The Ask and the Answer

The book begins in the most epic way possible: the main character, Todd, slowly regains consciousness while bound to a chair in the center of an enormous room. Darkness surrounds him save for a small pool of light from a small stained glass window with a symbolic picture of the "New World." Around him, the pattern is repeated on a thin rug, reminding him of the horrors the new civilization has come to. In the darkness beyond his chair paces two of Todd's enemies: the evil man who he thinks of as Mayor, and his sidekick of sorts: a man who will do anything the Mayor says. Punches fly out of the deep blackness, attempting to press the truth out of the protagonist. Todd relives painful memories, betrayals and mistakes. The mood heightens when the Mayor evilly pretends to allmost murder him... However, it is only when he cleans Todd's wounds that Todd gives him the secret that could lead to his death, or that of the only person he can trust. Then:

The Mayor lets out a long, pleased-sounding breath."Good, Todd." He says. "I thank you."
He turns to Mr. Collins.
"Lock him up."
(Ness 19)

This book is amazing and Patrick Ness is an incredible writer and storyteller. That first passage is so incredible and breathless. Such a good book.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

That I Will Die Living Just As Free As My Hair

"I just wanna be myself
and I want you to love
me for who I am

I just wanna be myself
and I want you to know:

I am my hair"

For everyone who has ever felt misunderstood (that's everyone), here is our song:

"I've had enough
This is my prayer
That I will die living just as free as my hair

I've had enough
this is my prayer
I swear
I'm as free as my hair"

Monday, May 16, 2011

Born this day

It's May 16--I'm a year older! Thank you to everyone who has wished me a happy birthday, especially my wonderful grandparents who sang to me over the phone. I love you all!

Ink Blots

Sometimes I imagine that thoughts, experiences, tastes, textures, and everything else along those lines are blots of ink on the infinite paper that is one's mind. Inspiration, then, is finding shapes, words, maybe pictures in the drops of  ink inside our heads. So here's to the first in a series of posts called Ink Blots. In an Ink Blots post I will include pictures, videos, quotes or whatever I want that are thought-provoking or inspiring, or maybe in the area where the two merge together. I hope you enjoy the ride!

"Life is too important to be taken seriously."
--Oscar Wilde

"If you have no shadows, then you're not standing in the light."
--Lady GaGa

"Civilization is the mastery of violence, the triumph, constantly challenged, over the aggressive nature of the primate."
--The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

"So I said to myself, there: I have managed to witness a motionless movement in the world."
--The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

"You forget the future
You lose
The present"

--The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Products of Boredom

Generally, the most valuable results come from dedicated, focused work. On a some occasions, though, boredom can lead to inspiration and a worthwhile product. 

I don't know where I'm going with this, because I doubt bored, random Photobooth fun with my friends can be considered to lead to worthwhile products or valuable results... eh, oh well. 

Don't worry, we did work on our Geometry project some :-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Edge of Glory

"There's no reason you and me should be alone
Tonight, yeah babe
Tonight, yeah babe
There's no reason you shouldn't take me home tonight

I need a man who thinks it right when it's so wrong,
Tonight yeah babe,
Tonight yeah babe,
Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight

It's time to feel the rush,
To push the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall in love

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot, before we kiss the other side,
Tonight, yeah babe
Tonight, yeah babe
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight
Alright, alright
Pull out your shade 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight, yeah babe
Tonight, yeah babe
... the burden of my name, tonight, tonight

It's time to feel the rush
To push the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall in love

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
The edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you"

--"Edge of Glory" by Lady GaGa

It's poetry... and a song, a beautiful ballad produced to perfection to become a huge pop record. It's music at its peak, the very zenith of modern music. "Edge of Glory" is, according to me, what all pop music should be like.

Did you notice that it's about death? Hidden under a bright, peppy tune are lyrics like "Another shot, before we kiss the other side" and "I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight." It is rare that a song sheds positive light on death, but this one celebrates the "edge of glory" and "I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you where we can both fall over in love."

I love music. 

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Flowers, sunshine, and Ming the peacock

Water droplets lay on brightly colored flower petals as the sun shone brightly--the world forgot that it had ever been raining. I would like to dedicate the beautiful pictures I took to my lovely mother on mother's day--I love you!

Meet Ming the peacock!

Saturday, May 07, 2011


If you haven't noticed already, I am quite the avid little monster...or, for those not familiar in Lady GaGa vernacular, I am a huge fan of Lady GaGa. So naturally, it was very traumatic for me when I was told on Thursday that her new music video for her song "Judas" had been released, and my little brother had seen it before me! He proceeded to insult it half to death, but that did not stop me: I have watched it almost ten times so far (yes, really), and continue to be intrigued by it.
Many people consider Lady GaGa's work to be nothing but purposefully-weird nonsense with no meaning at all. What these people don't realize is that her music, videos, fashion, and overall image are works of carefully planned art. "Judas" specifically is a beautiful video full of hidden meanings. It is not intended to offend religious groups--instead, it uses religion as a metaphor to explore society, culture, and pop culture.

That said, here is the video:

Friday, May 06, 2011

As if!

Sometimes, I will dig deep in my metaphorical iTunes pocketbook and actually buy a song instead of repeatedly listening to the one and a half minute song previews. On this occasion, I will pass the list of top ten songs of that moment. I delight in seeing the Lady GaGa songs that reside there in all their musical-genius glory, but shake my head sadly when I think of all the songs that deserve to be there in the place of songs that, personally, I don't think are all that great! When I think of songs that deserve to be on top of the charts, I always think of up-and-coming artist Sky Ferreira. Her music is wonderful, brilliant pop--almost to the point of being Lady GaGa-caliber. So here is a sampling of her music, some from singles she's released and a few from her new EP, "As If!"


Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

So, I am currently reading the most intriguing book: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, translated from French by Alison Anderson. It is somewhat difficult to describe the book seeing as I am only about a third way through, however I understand it well enough to interpret the message. It is, quite simply, a celebration of the underdog. The characterization, combined with wonderful tone, benefit the idea that the people who are least noticed may, in fact, be those whose incredible minds stretch far above the mundane way of looking at the world. I love how the author sets the story in a hotel, shedding light on the fact that the two main characters--who live in the hotel, Paloma as a resident and RenĂ©e as the concierge--are so different in their ways of life, yet so similar in ways that they never imagined.
So, one main point to take away from this book: people who you think you know may very well be extraordinary in ways you never imagined.

If you have noticed, that, lately, my posts have been devoted to different ways of looking at the world, well, the reason behind it is this inspiring and thought-provoking novel. It definitely encouraged, and continues to encourage, me to cognitate on how I think and how I consider other people and their actions. I think this is a good thing--why should one be limited to one way of looking at the world?

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Shards of Shattered Glass

Shards of shattered glass generally bring feelings of regret and sadness as they represent the end of something. In writing my short story, "Shards of Shattered Glass," I experimented with the thought that destroying something could be a positive action. Keep this in mind as you read my writing: that shattering something may bring freedom, not sorrow, and that the end of something can sometimes be far more beautiful than what the object was before...

Shards of Shattered Glass
            The sky is a darkening silver hue, fading towards the distant horizon. A mist so thick it could be deemed rain settles over the damp street and sidewalk, darkening the asphalt of the street and the stone of the buildings beside it. Taxis and cars leave quickly disappearing tracks in the road as they hurry along to a destination somewhere deep inside the city. Beside them, streetlights falter and come to life as billboards and signs outside of stores twinkle their lights to pedestrians hurrying to here and there underneath the occasional umbrella. The shock of cars honking, the constant murmur of people talking, the endless drone of advertisements advertising, and the bubbly inconsistency of music playing are the noise and energy that is the city.  
            Such is observed from a window on the seventh floor of a building amid the city on this dull, overcast afternoon that is rapidly becoming evening.  Beyond this window, we find a girl tracing her name into the foggy glass of her bedroom window.
            She fiddles with the ribbon that she wraps and unwraps around her hand, then dangles in front of her at the silvery-tinted sky. The ribbon is pulled taught by the weight of the pendant it carries. The shimmering object catches the last portion of meager brilliance from the fast-falling sun, spinning slightly and sending droplets of light spinning off into the room like shards of shattered glass.
            It is a key. A shimmering glass key, spinning gently on the ribbon that has been smoothly led through the intricate embellishment on the upper part of the extraordinary piece. Slender and delicate, this unique masterpiece would promptly shatter if introduced to the mundane, metal lock found on the average door. No, the key has an entirely different purpose.
            Lia leans against the window and studies the key. The window is cool against her face, calming to the thoughts racing across her mind and wrapping themselves around memories…memories of the small piece of glass that dangles in front of her.

            Walking through a store, being strangely drawn towards the delicate glass key. The salesperson says that so many people have returned it and haven’t wanted it—can you believe it?

Spending hours leaning against the back of her beanbag chair, turning the object over and over in her hand, observing every miniscule detail, wondering why in the world its previous owners hadn’t wanted it…

“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“Oh yes...I, um, I love it.” Her friend smiled unconvincingly.
Confusion rises inside of her, touched with the slightest hint of anger…does no one else notice how extraordinary the key is?

Ignoring her phone when it rang, hardly hearing it as it vibrated furiously. The key was far more important…

Watching the key shining brightly as it sits on her desk, hardly being able to look away….
The key glimmering as it hangs on its length of ribbon...
The key dangling from her hand…

The extraordinary key pulls Lia’s attention towards itself, wherever it is. Her eyes are drawn to it—she can not help but notice it. The key has an intangible, yet undeniable presence.
            And now it feels heavier than usual as it dangles from her hand. Her eyes are glued to its shimmering surface as it spins and twists gently in the air.
            She can barely think of anything but the key. The world fades away and she is trapped. Trapped in the cold world of the spinning, shimmering, glass…
             Until an astonishing thought, a startling realization, battles its way to the front of her mind, screaming for her attention, crashing through the deluge of memories, forcing the key away.
            And the key—the gorgeous, glass masterpiece—slips from willing fingers and tumbles towards the floor. It shimmers in the fading light—one last moment of gleaming beauty before the key shatters.
            Glass cracks into tiny pieces with a clatter that slices through the silence of the room. Fragments skitter across the tile floor, spinning and breaking until they settle, surrounding the limp length of ribbon that had been looped through the key. Lia is frozen, her hand poised over the side of her seat where the key had fallen. Shock fills her…mixed with a confusing hint of breathless relief. There is, somehow, freedom in the shards of shattered glass.

Now, I am not encouraging people to go out and shatter some glass. Please don't, actually! I am merely trying to explore a different way of looking at the world. I hope it has been interesting!

I would also like to take a moment to thank you for reading my blog! It means a lot that I have a few regular readers. 

Monday, May 02, 2011

(Alliterate) Musings on a Monday Morning

Most people hate mondays--think Garfield--but there are few of us actually enjoy them. I confess that I am among the select group of those who are, in fact, fond of mondays. After all, they are the start of a brand new week! Mondays are a fresh slate, a clear beginning, that have yet to be filled with the petty scribbles of tuesdays and wednesdays and thursdays. So, I wonder as I write this, why does the hatred of mondays consume so many? Perhaps, I think, the universal monday-phobia has to do with a slight fear of ruining this perfect beginning, the rebirth of the week.... people are slightly afraid of failure at ruining this opportunity.

Well, anyway, these are my (alliterate) musings on a monday morning.

Because it may relate to Mondays, I will now grant you the pleasure of enjoying Lady GaGa's single, "Born This Way." It is sure to brighten your day!