On my iPhone, I have several creative (*sarcasm*) titles for my pages in the Notes app: 'a bunch of stuff,' 'cool quotes,' 'cool stuff,' and, most importantly, 'cool words.' Every time I get an interesting, unusual, or practical word from my daily "Dictionary.com Word of the Day" email, I type it in to this lovely little note. I have accumulated quite the plethora of words that I have resolved to share with you, my faithful, if not few, readers. Even if you forget all of these the moment you read them (I do, too!), enjoy!
Cool Words
-Busticate: to break into pieces.
-Anglomania: an intense admiration of, interest in, or tendency to imitate English institutions, manners, customs, etc.
-Alliumphobia: fear of garlic.
-Loquacious: talkative.
-Diaphanous:translucent or transparent
-Frabjous: superb or delicious.
-Rigmarole: a complicated procedure.
-Verve: full of life.
-Efface: to make yourself inconspicuous.
-Lucifugous: avoiding light.
-Paradisiacal: heavenly, wonderful.
-Mussitate: to silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech. (lip sync)
-Fossick: to search for something. (ex: the pigeons fossick for crumbs.)
-Nympholepsy: a frenzy of emotion for something unattainable
-Roborant: strengthening.
-Linguine: little tongues
-Bumf: official notice; toilet paper; a book you don't want to read
-Retrograde: in reverse order
-Hopscotch: to journey quickly and directly
-Ineffable: indescribable
-Coruscate: sparkle
-Crepuscular: twilight; dim
-Parse: analyze
-Inchoate: just begun
-Kvetch: a complaint; to complain often
-Chicanery: a trick
-Nacreous: pearly
-De Rigueur: Strictly required, as by etiquette, usage, or fashion.
-Gest: a notable deed.
-Idioglossia: a private form of speech invented by children.
-Aoristic: indefinite
-Weal: happiness
-Enspirit: enliven
-Impetrate: to ask for
-Tristful: sorrowful
-Divagate: to wander or digress
-Estivate: to spend the summer
-Farouche: sullenly shy; fierce
-Philter: a magic potion for any purpose
-Prosopography: a description of a person
-Replevy: to recover something wrongfully taken
-Liminal: relating to the point beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced.
-Caliginous: misty; dim; dark
-Lagniappe: a gratuity or tip
-Chaffer: verb- haggle, chatter
noun- haggling
-Engram: the supposed physical basis of a memory in the brain.
-Dithyrambic: wildly enthusiastic or irregular
-Hogmanay: a gift given on New Year's Eve
-Plenipotentiary: containing full power
-Descry: to catch sight of; to discern
-Exculpate: to relieve of blame; to prove to be guiltless
-Chatoyant: twinkling (as in luster)
-Sockdolager: a decisive reply, argument
-Autoschediastical: adj. improvised
-Mansuetude: mildness, gentleness
-Creolize: to combine local and foreign elements into a new, distinct whole.
-Klatsch: a casual gathering of people
-Concupiscible: worthy of being desired.
-Fain: content, willing
-Grangerize: to add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books.
-Lollop: to dangle
-Rakish: jaunty
-Cacoethes: an irresistible urge
-Elide: suppress; ignore
-Eclat: showy or elaborate display
-Effluvium: a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable (like a stench, for example)
-Doppelganger: an alter ego; double
-Daedal: intricate
-Risible: capable of laughing
-Ululate: to howl
-Lucubration: the act of studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation.
-Malinger: to feign or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.
-Inkhorn: pedantic
-Bailiwick: someone's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
-Nimbus: A cloud or atmosphere (as of romance or glamour) that surrounds a person or thing.
-Lexicography: the writing or compiling of dictionaries; the principles and practices used to compile dictionaries.
-Rubicund: red
-Wunderkind: a child protegy
-Gimcrack: a showy but useless or worthless object
-Confute: to prove or show to be false
-Fanfaronade: ostentatious display
-Prolix: unnecessarily long; wordy
-Apposite: very applicable
-Blandishment: allurement
-Largess: generous giving
-Prescience: foresight
-Fugacious: fleeting
-Eschew: to shun
-Verisimilitude: something that has the appearance of being true or real.
-Equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to avoid committing oneself to anything definite.
-Afflatus: inspiration
-Bivouac: an encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
-Gravitas: high seriousness
-Irascible: hot-tempered
-Canorous: pleasant-sounding
-Tenterhooks: On tenterhooks, in a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety.
-Balderdash: nonsense
-Oppugn: to dispute
-Praxis: habit or custom
-Vociferate: shout; bawl
-Corybantic: frenzied
-Peregrinate: to travel or journey, especially to walk on
-Marginalia: notes in the margin of a book, manuscript, or letter.
-Dandle: to pamper
-Effloresce: to blossom
-Perlieu: a piece of land on the edge of a forest, originally land that, after having been included in a royal forest, was restored to private ownership, though still subject, in some respects, to the operation of the forest laws.
-Bushwhack: to defeat, especially by surprise or in an underhanded way.
-Splenetic: irritable
-Premonish: to warn beforehand
-Irenic: Tending to promote peace; conciliatory
-Zeitgeist: [Often capitalized] The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
-Autodidact: one who is self-taught
-Fungible: interchangeable
-Foofaraw: fuss over a matter of little importance
-Physiognomy: the art of discovering temperament or other characteristic qualities of the mind from the outward appearance, especially by the features of the face.
-Longueur: A dull and tedious passage in a book, play, musical composition
-Prink: to primp
My favorite word is "bumf."
Cool Words
-Busticate: to break into pieces.
-Anglomania: an intense admiration of, interest in, or tendency to imitate English institutions, manners, customs, etc.
-Alliumphobia: fear of garlic.
-Loquacious: talkative.
-Diaphanous:translucent or transparent
-Frabjous: superb or delicious.
-Rigmarole: a complicated procedure.
-Verve: full of life.
-Efface: to make yourself inconspicuous.
-Lucifugous: avoiding light.
-Paradisiacal: heavenly, wonderful.
-Mussitate: to silently move the lips in simulation of audible speech. (lip sync)
-Fossick: to search for something. (ex: the pigeons fossick for crumbs.)
-Nympholepsy: a frenzy of emotion for something unattainable
-Roborant: strengthening.
-Linguine: little tongues
-Bumf: official notice; toilet paper; a book you don't want to read
-Retrograde: in reverse order
-Hopscotch: to journey quickly and directly
-Ineffable: indescribable
-Coruscate: sparkle
-Crepuscular: twilight; dim
-Parse: analyze
-Inchoate: just begun
-Kvetch: a complaint; to complain often
-Chicanery: a trick
-Nacreous: pearly
-De Rigueur: Strictly required, as by etiquette, usage, or fashion.
-Gest: a notable deed.
-Idioglossia: a private form of speech invented by children.
-Aoristic: indefinite
-Weal: happiness
-Enspirit: enliven
-Impetrate: to ask for
-Tristful: sorrowful
-Divagate: to wander or digress
-Estivate: to spend the summer
-Farouche: sullenly shy; fierce
-Philter: a magic potion for any purpose
-Prosopography: a description of a person
-Replevy: to recover something wrongfully taken
-Liminal: relating to the point beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced.
-Caliginous: misty; dim; dark
-Lagniappe: a gratuity or tip
-Chaffer: verb- haggle, chatter
noun- haggling
-Engram: the supposed physical basis of a memory in the brain.
-Dithyrambic: wildly enthusiastic or irregular
-Hogmanay: a gift given on New Year's Eve
-Plenipotentiary: containing full power
-Descry: to catch sight of; to discern
-Exculpate: to relieve of blame; to prove to be guiltless
-Chatoyant: twinkling (as in luster)
-Sockdolager: a decisive reply, argument
-Autoschediastical: adj. improvised
-Mansuetude: mildness, gentleness
-Creolize: to combine local and foreign elements into a new, distinct whole.
-Klatsch: a casual gathering of people
-Concupiscible: worthy of being desired.
-Fain: content, willing
-Grangerize: to add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books.
-Lollop: to dangle
-Rakish: jaunty
-Cacoethes: an irresistible urge
-Elide: suppress; ignore
-Eclat: showy or elaborate display
-Effluvium: a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable (like a stench, for example)
-Doppelganger: an alter ego; double
-Daedal: intricate
-Risible: capable of laughing
-Ululate: to howl
-Lucubration: the act of studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation.
-Malinger: to feign or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.
-Inkhorn: pedantic
-Bailiwick: someone's specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
-Nimbus: A cloud or atmosphere (as of romance or glamour) that surrounds a person or thing.
-Lexicography: the writing or compiling of dictionaries; the principles and practices used to compile dictionaries.
-Rubicund: red
-Wunderkind: a child protegy
-Gimcrack: a showy but useless or worthless object
-Confute: to prove or show to be false
-Fanfaronade: ostentatious display
-Prolix: unnecessarily long; wordy
-Apposite: very applicable
-Blandishment: allurement
-Largess: generous giving
-Prescience: foresight
-Fugacious: fleeting
-Eschew: to shun
-Verisimilitude: something that has the appearance of being true or real.
-Equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or to avoid committing oneself to anything definite.
-Afflatus: inspiration
-Bivouac: an encampment for the night, usually under little or no shelter.
-Gravitas: high seriousness
-Irascible: hot-tempered
-Canorous: pleasant-sounding
-Tenterhooks: On tenterhooks, in a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety.
-Balderdash: nonsense
-Oppugn: to dispute
-Praxis: habit or custom
-Vociferate: shout; bawl
-Corybantic: frenzied
-Peregrinate: to travel or journey, especially to walk on
-Marginalia: notes in the margin of a book, manuscript, or letter.
-Dandle: to pamper
-Effloresce: to blossom
-Perlieu: a piece of land on the edge of a forest, originally land that, after having been included in a royal forest, was restored to private ownership, though still subject, in some respects, to the operation of the forest laws.
-Bushwhack: to defeat, especially by surprise or in an underhanded way.
-Splenetic: irritable
-Premonish: to warn beforehand
-Irenic: Tending to promote peace; conciliatory
-Zeitgeist: [Often capitalized] The spirit of the time; the general intellectual and moral state or temper characteristic of any period of time.
-Autodidact: one who is self-taught
-Fungible: interchangeable
-Foofaraw: fuss over a matter of little importance
-Physiognomy: the art of discovering temperament or other characteristic qualities of the mind from the outward appearance, especially by the features of the face.
-Longueur: A dull and tedious passage in a book, play, musical composition
-Prink: to primp
My favorite word is "bumf."
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