Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

So, I am currently reading the most intriguing book: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, translated from French by Alison Anderson. It is somewhat difficult to describe the book seeing as I am only about a third way through, however I understand it well enough to interpret the message. It is, quite simply, a celebration of the underdog. The characterization, combined with wonderful tone, benefit the idea that the people who are least noticed may, in fact, be those whose incredible minds stretch far above the mundane way of looking at the world. I love how the author sets the story in a hotel, shedding light on the fact that the two main characters--who live in the hotel, Paloma as a resident and RenĂ©e as the concierge--are so different in their ways of life, yet so similar in ways that they never imagined.
So, one main point to take away from this book: people who you think you know may very well be extraordinary in ways you never imagined.

If you have noticed, that, lately, my posts have been devoted to different ways of looking at the world, well, the reason behind it is this inspiring and thought-provoking novel. It definitely encouraged, and continues to encourage, me to cognitate on how I think and how I consider other people and their actions. I think this is a good thing--why should one be limited to one way of looking at the world?


  1. Hi Morgan. I request you do a top ten of music that should be on iTunes. Apologies I directed you to that exact post number, I just thought it would be fun to site my blog. Sorry. <3 Xan (sorry.)

  2. Please check your comments!
