Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sea-Blown Waves

And so I return from Stone Harbor as I do every year: a tad sunburnt, with all my stuff touched with sand, and refreshed in the way that only the ocean can provide. It was lovely to spend time with my family (love you), and some friends (I hadn't seen you in awhile--it was so nice to spend some time together!).  Some highlights:

My mom deciding I am a druid (???????), or some type of mythical creature like that. Not quite sure how she reached this conclusion, but whatever.

Eating the best ice cream ever from Springer's. The most delicious flavor is Cease & Desist, which is coffee ice cream with chocolate and toffee pieces. Double scoop of this in a waffle cone is simply heavenly!

Nun's Beach. It's a stretch of beach that we go to in front of a nun vacation retreat. They lead a 4th of July singalong and sell t-shirts with drawings of nuns surfing on the back!

The best way to watch fireworks in definitely on the beach.

Running on the beach. I got weird looks because apparently it is not normal to run on the beach with your hair streaming out behind you in the sea breeze. Or to jump in the waves to cool off after running three miles and get all soaking wet and sandy and get lost on the way home even though you only had to walk something like two blocks... heh heh

Overall, I had a fabulous time. Here are some, of course, pictures--not all of them though, I saved some for future posts. Enjoy!

(photography and editing by moi!)


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos Morgan. You are so creative. I also love the phrase and image of "touched by sand". It was terrific to see you!
